We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support throughout the year and wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season. We look forward to working with you in the new year.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Check out some of my tailoring work

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Nothing beats the value of high-quality tailoring

Why would you need a tailor when you can just buy gorgeous clothing off the rack, on the Internet or from one of those #Influencer types on Instagram? 

Because even great style is nothing without fit!

Tailoring is the difference between a fit that’s good enough and one that’s perfect. Clothing should work for you, not against you. You deserve to look hot, and when it comes to looking good, it’s not your size or shape that matters, it’s the fit of your clothes.

Lila is an Auckland seamstress in the CBD. Take a look at how Lila’s Tailoring can help with your clothing and alteration needs. Whether you need a suit altered, a shirt repaired, or a wedding dress adjusted, Lila will ensure that you get exactly what you want. She has years of experience making people look good and will work with you so you’ll look your best and feel wonderful.

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Tailor in Auckland


For well-fitting, great-looking clothes visit Lila’s Tailoring at 3 O’Connell Street in Auckland’s CBD or call Lila Gomes on 022 152 6026 to make an appointment.

3 O’Connell Street, Auckland, CBD, 1010

022 152 6026


Opening Hours

9:00am - 5:00pm - MONDAY TO FRIDAY
10:00am - 4:00pm - SATURDAY
